Welcome to St Mary's College
St Mary's College is a Catholic girls' school that is located in the heart of Wellington city.
Catholic Mercy Tradition
At St Mary's College we are very proud of our Catholic Mercy tradition which stretches back 150 years. In that time we have educated thousands of young women, following the spirit and values of Catherine McAuley, the foundress of the Sisters of Mercy who are our proprietors. Our motto 'Miseriacordia et Sapientia' promotes care and service to others in the spirit of the Sisters of Mercy with a desire to make a difference to our world.
Safe and Caring Environment
When you are far from home, it is vital that you are 100% confident that your daughter is being looked after. St Mary's College is a safe and caring environment where students can confidently grow to achieve their full potential. Our College provides the ideal environment to ensure our international students feel welcomed. More information about our pastoral care for international students can be found under 'Pastoral Care'.
Opportunities for International Students
While at St Mary's College your daughter will have many opportunities, not only academically, but also in the sporting and cultural actitivies that we participate in. Teams from the St Mary's College have enjoyed success in many areas including rugby, basketball, and volleyball. See more information under 'Courses available'.
Our College is committed to creating a place where students can develop a love of learning and achieve their personal best. Inspired by our Mercy Valules, we welcome international students to join us and experience St Mary's College.
Ngā manaakitanga