The National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) is the main national qualification for secondary school students in New Zealand. Useful information about NCEA can be found at the links below.​​​​​​​

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do if I miss an assessment?

Internal assessment is carried out under strict conditions in the same way as externals are. This is so that the assessment is fair for everyone.

Only in exceptional circumstances will late work be accepted for assessment.  You are entitled to special consideration in these two circumstances:

  • Ill health or accident (a medical certificate or other satisfactory documentation must be provided. If you do not provide satisfactory documentation explaining your absence/reason for an extension request you may not be given an extension).

  • Family emergency e.g: bereavement, major medical or other emergency

If you miss an assessment due to illness, family trauma or a school sporting/cultural activity you will need to apply for an extension.

Use this online form to submit a Request for Extension

What do I do if I need an extension?

Requests for an extension for an assessment may be granted at the discretion of the Principal's Nominee Mrs Gibson, in consultation with subject teachers and Head of Learning Areas.  The request must be filled before the due date for the assessment.

Use this online form to submit a Request for Extension

The circumstances below are some cases when applications may be declined:

  • Family holiday or overseas trip in term time

  • Computer or printer problems for late work, however network or hardware failure in the school computer labs during a computer based in class assessment is not the fault of the student/s and equivalent time will be made available

  • Assessments missed due to truanting

What do I do if I want to appeal my grade?

When your internally assessed work for tests and assignments is returned, and you are unhappy with either your grade or with the testing process, you will have the opportunity to appeal the grade. Before you submit an appeal request you must discuss your grade with your subject teacher.

Submit your appeal within two school days of receiving your assessment back using this online form