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NZQA Examinations - what you need to know

NCEA exams start on Monday 22nd November and conclude on Tuesday 14th December. These examinations are held at school in Gabriel Hall and the top floor of the Carlow building. 

Your daughter has received her examination admission slip which she needs to bring to every examination. This has her exam code on it and will help find where her examination/s are being held. If this slip is forgotten or lost, she can reprint it or Mrs Gibson can reprint it. 

Students can download/print them from their provider login: Reports > Exam Reports > Examination Admission Slips.

Students sitting NCEA have been sent a presentation with things to remember. Here are a few points from this presentation:

  • Check the timetable carefully and write down when your exams are.

  • A good idea would be to write these dates down on a communal place at home so everyone knows when your exams are.

  • Take careful note of whether your exams are morning or afternoon.

  • The NCEA and New Zealand Scholarship examination sessions are three hours. The exam sessions start at either 9.30 am or 2.00 pm.

  • Exam timetable 2021

  • Bring equipment into the exam room in a clear plastic bag

  • Emergency evacuation and student pack can be brought into the exam - this must be in a clear, sealable plastic bag

If you have any questions or concerns about the examinations either before or on the day of an exam, please don’t hesitate to contact Belinda Gibson on 4735554 ext 820 or

We wish students all the very best for these examinations.



Article added: Friday 19 November 2021


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