Course Selection Information

Kia ora e te whānau,


We hope you are well and happy in your bubbles. Due to the lockdown we have made the difficult decision to cancel the 2021 Learning Conversations and Options night.


One of the outcomes that we were hoping for from the Learning Conversations was to have a talk about future pathways and finalise course selections for 2022. This means we still need to confirm subject selections for 2022 using an alternative approach.


In its place, we have devised a 2022 course curriculum Ako@home package. 


This includes a Taster Google presentation of what is offered at each year level with instructions on how to find our overall curriculum and pathways document at St Mary’s College and how to access St Mary’s College School Point for in-depth descriptions. We have also added a sheet for you to use to draft your ideas and a suggested script to discuss with your daughter their course selection decisions. 


Once you and your daughter are happy with the courses selected, please go to this link on Schoolpoint to access the instructions on how to enter your final choices.


We understand that at times it is difficult to reach a decision and if that is the case please email your daughter’s Ako teacher or Dean for advice in the first instance. They can point you in the right direction to who may be able to help with your query. Anne Paton, Head of Careers is also available for advice on pathways at


Please go to the following link which is relevant to you:

  • Year 10 taster course info and options can be found here

  • Year 11 taster course info and options can be found here

  • Year 12 taster course info and options can be found here

  • Year 13 taster course info and options can be found here

  • You can see a quick overview of the St Mary’s College curriculum here

  • School Point for in-depth information about courses and where to place your choices can be found here

We would appreciate it if you could complete this form by 3pm on Friday 10th of September so that we can follow up where needed. 


Ngā manaakitanga


Jenny Caldwell

Assistant Principal


St Mary's College

Article added: Monday 30 August 2021


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